To teach or to Learn - My Journey as Mrs Spragg
A record of my learning, teaching and reflections as I walk this journey as a teacher.
Friday 26 May 2023
RPI 2: Know Your Learners as Readers
Thursday 4 May 2023
Reading Practice Intensive: Session 1 - Reading is Core to Learning - A solid foundation
Today began my coaching journey with the Reading Practise Intensive. I was a little nervous about the parts I had to present.
I notice that I am someone that needs lots of reassurance that I am doing the right thing. A personal development for me is trusting myself and my own capabilities. Easy written than done.
Profile of a Good Reader
Early on we covered what the profile of a good reader looks like. The task required thinking about what we think this looks and then connecting it with what research tells us a good reader profile has.
My list of a profile of a good reader:
- Enjoys reading
- Thinks about what they read and talks about it
- Able to decode
- Self-motivated to read
- Reads a wide range of texts
- Understands what they read
- Good oral language
- Able to write because of their reading ability
- Motivation = Success
- To have success in reading you have to be able to motivate yourself, this term is called self-efficacy.
- Self-efficacy = self-belief
- Self-belief = your choices, the effort you put in and persistence when things get hard
- The most powerful source of self-efficacy is Mastery Experience (this occurs when a child evaluates their own competence after learning and believes their efforts have been successful)
- Beliefs and behaviours of teachers and peers help to build a student's self-efficacy
- Self-concepts and the value they place on reading. Gender plays a big role in this, especially for boys.
- Choice helps motivation. Allowing students to make their own choices about reading material makes a big difference to their motivation.
- Read-Alouds and Discussions are effective in engaging motivation. Read-aloud allow teachers to model reading strategies and behaviours. Discussion helps invite students into active learning.
- Balance of books collections and text types
- Rewards can be used but need to be well thought through in terms of motivating further reading.
Friday 16 April 2021
Reading Observation Hui conversation
Hui - Dr Rebecca Jenson
Talk about change to making the change.
We know that we are going to be judging the teaching, we know this implicitly. The teachers we view also know that they are being judged, even if we say we aren't. It is implicit.
A way of thinking is about taking the snapshot and having those professional conversations.
Snapshot - 'taking a photograph' of what is happening and then comparing it to what it looked like before. (Summative) This is what has always been done by Woolf Fisher but now moving towards us doing this.
When you see something you code it as ... i.e. when you moderate writing it gets coded as ...
Formative Leadership functions to have professional conversations to make a change.
In terms of the snapshot, we are looking for what we have seen and what we haven't seen.
Is it a vase or a cup? = when we see an item with flowers but has a handle, we need to know if we are deciding if it is a vase or a cup.
- When teachers are working with learners are they creating learners who think and answer, not think and question.
- The variance between teachers/schools is huge, so it is hard to answer the question "what do we do well already"
- What barriers do cultures create around the idea of questions?
- Do we teach the skills to disagree with each other?
- Saying to students - How does talk help you learn? Write down the rules for your classroom around talk. These two questions/thinking can create a picture of the realities of talking in the classroom
- One member reflected on the energy put into the create tasks as opposed to the teaching of the task. Perhaps this isn't the best for students.
Manaiakalani TOD Workshop 1 & 2
Workshop 1
Dr Jannie van Hawes
Semantic - meaning-making
We want to take students from text simple to text complex.
Newsela Max - you can change the level of complexity of the texts to fit with your students.
We want to surf our students down and then up again in the complexity of text.
Workshop 2
Manaiakalani Teacher Only Day - Key Note - Dr Rae Si'ilata and Kayla Hansell
Rae and Kayla began by sharing their pepeha, helping to establish where they have come from, who stands behind them and who helped to shape where they are today.
Rae shared how she started a school in Samoa but that she would do it again by coming at learning from the place of language ... using bilingualism to shape learning. Language revitalisation is the key to connecting to our learners and their whānau. This is directly linked to culture and language and revitalisation.
Pikipiki hama kae vaevae manava - Join the outriggers to share life
Privilege the native speaker in the room!
High Leverage Practises are underpinning why were are focussing on Reading.
In second language spaces, we do not separate the reading, writing, listening and speaking. We integrate.
Facilitator Day - Hui (Day 3)
An overview of our Facilitator Day
Pat Sneedon
Pat, the Chair of the Manaiakalani Trust, came along and shared today. He discussed what a treasure we are, how our rolls allow us to move our kaupapa forward. We are here to give support our low deciles schools to move our learners forward. To bring equity to the education sector.
Pat was compelling and rousing, bringing reality and vision to the room. As a colleague said, it is always great to hear from Pat.
If Māori and Pacifica aren't achieving then it isn't them, it is us!
Demographics = 40 kura are Rumaki/Immersion and 33 Ruareo/Bi-lingual within the wider Manaiakalani Programme Outreach
Level 1 = 80% or more in Reo
Level 2/3/4 = Bi-lingual
Lesson in Ngā tūkapi - Pronouns
Makaore took us through some work on using pronouns. It was a great session, with Mak using some 'friends' to help explain. With support from Vicki and Amie I was able to understand how to use them. It does feel a little confusing and I think it will take more than one session to get my head around it.I created a drawing based on Makaore's explanation and our activity. Thankfully it was a 'get up and move' activity which helped to understand what it was all about.
Saturday 13 February 2021
Dare to Lead Podcast
Brenē with Abby Wambach on the New Rules of Leadership
Abby and Brenē break down the 8 rules that Abby has written in order to turn around the rules that women in leadership often live by.
Leadership based in honour is so important.
Failure: Making failure fuel, you have three choices to make - blame, shame or claim.
Angel City Women's Football Club
What a challenging kōrero these two women had. I was really inspired by the way Abby talked about how we as women need to be less afraid to put ourselves forward. I find that hard to do at times. Something to continue to mull over.