
Friday, 23 October 2020

Manaiakalani Wānanga - Thursday 22nd October

A wonderful day spending time with my own cluster team, networking with the Uru Mānuka cluster and meeting the other facilitators that I haven't actually meet face-to-face (after the hui finished). It was a wonderful day of learning, discussion and building the cluster connection. I really enjoyed myself. In particular, the way the cluster worked together to move the bus forward. I'm am looking forward to what 2021 will bring. 

Agenda slides for the day

Pat Snedden 

Initiative: digital skills training for adults - more info coming… (excellent!)

Addressing issues of connectivity and devices?

Let’s be transformers

Tell neighbours

“Knock it out of the park”

Woolf Fisher Research - Aaron Wilson

Online Observation Data around Reading + Surveys from students, teachers, leaders and whānau.

Slides link

2019 - A relentless focus on reading 2020 seems to have had this happen. In the first three years we are seeing students on average starting well, well below but after 1 year of

school we are seeing these students accelerate closer to the national norm. After the first 3 years we start

to seeing a tapering off from Year 4+. Side note: We are TMP02 We need to be looking further ahead to support students to look forward to the higher leverage practices

to help to see the shift in the older years. Junior teachers focus on high leverage practices: Based on this info, this is the feedback from the online observations: The richer snapshot happens when we look at the overall data. The smaller the sample gets the less

stable the pattern is. They’ve done analysis of every text. Most instruction was on shorter texts. Extended texts are film longer than an hour or a text would be longer than 100 pages (novel/biographies) A strong focus on information texts (non-fiction) Less narrative and poems What would be the balance of these? Strong evidence of linked text sets (more prevalent after Year 3) Triangulated from teachers questionnaire Most texts are “pretty white” (white, middle class) Matariki was a major part of the programmes at this time but does raise the questions if there is this type

of focus at other parts of the year. Mirror texts - student can see themselves in the text Window Texts - looking out at other cultures Window texts - reflecting the life of students? Are there universal experiences tho? Lots of NZ texts but they tended representing more Pākeha worlds than POC What opportunities do our students have to window texts into other parts of the non-white world i.e. Africa,

Middle East … Colouring in the White Spaces Anne Milne The levels of the texts the students are encountering in class are around where they should be. (The

bell-shaped curve looks about right) Text difficulty is the interaction between the text itself and the activity Audience or purpose was often missing. It could be teachers are doing this face-to-face. Could this also

transfer over to a quality blog post. Both teachers and students thinking about the audience and purpose

when creating content on the site or for a blog post? New lessons in Cybersmart coming that would

support this. Strong focus on vocab but not a strong focus on literary devices More attention to the structure of text prior to reading helps a lot with understanding. The focus of ideas didn’t go past information of ideas or plot. Metacognition challenge. Challenge - if it isn’t visible to adults who are looking for it, how visible is it to students? Critical literacy and critical thinking needs deliberate planning and focus by teachers in order for this to

happen. It isn’t happening at the moment. What was the highest level of thinking happening on the students blog? Lower level of understanding was

what is happening, however students are more than capable of higher level thinking. Not evidence of planning for discussion Definition of rewindable - do we understand it? Rewindable is often messy and scary. Choice was around order but not choice of text or activity or product or process The data is what the data is. It is open for interpretation for why that is … the year/covid etc BUT the data

is what is the data is. Deficits within the data can be explained by schools (with “our focus was on x or y) but the challenge

(wero) remains. The data is still true Woolf Fisher Sensemaking will unpack data more and will include best practice examples from teachers

sites for each area.

Talking Point Discussion:

  • What are we doing well to accelerate student achievement and progress in reading?
  • What could we do better?
  • In terms of instructional foci, what are we doing well to accelerate student achievement and progress in reading? What could we do better?
  • In terms of activities, what are we doing well to accelerate student achievement and progress in reading? What could we do better?
Reflecting on 2018-2020, looking to 2021 and beyond
Dorothy Burt & Makaore Bevan

We have been building a good house.

Reflecting on the past

Makore took us through the culturally connected version.

E tuarua a wero:  Google MEET Drills at school!

The Challenge/Provocation

“Read like a writer and write like a reader”

Raise the floor and ceiling of our practice

Move to more sustained use of multiple texts

Move to greater reflection of student culture in text (students see their own lives reflected in what they are reading about)

Cluster Discussions: Te Ara Tūhura

What are we going to do?

Teacher Only Day? Half Day? Share sense making and look where we need to work on our practice 

Cross school PLG’s 

Set dates 1 per term that PLG’s will meet

Celebration of learning at end of year 

Multi modal data base - would be good if we were giving back and sharing on this database

High leverage practices

OLO observations - unpack the data so that our kaiako understand it - when we know better we do better

Take a look at our cluster specific data 

Cross pollination between schools

PLG’s across the cluster

Supporting and amplifying the practice of “High-Shift” (Robin Sutton) teachers

Susan Sandretto - critical literacy expert

Readings from the Critical Literacy training Sharon attended.

From TKI - NZ

  • questioning how knowledge is constructed and used

  • investigating whether the writer has the authority to speak for a group or position or to tell particular stories

  • considering how power relationships are established and whether a text includes or excludes particular readers or perspectives

  • examining the ways in which texts can position a reader.

From Education Counts - NZ

  • Critical thinking is related to multiliteracies. It is the development of the facility to understand aspects of texts such as agency, motivation, gaps and silences, and political and economic agendas. It is also about purposeful and reflective judgement, involving determining meaning and significance of phenomena, including different kinds of texts. This deliberate critical stance is as important to e-Learning texts as it is to the critique of traditional texts, because it is about higher order thinking skills: Thinking is a Key Competency in NZC.

Take Homes

The Whānu Blogging site includes support for whānau to leave comments on their child's blog.

Plus support commenting in Te Reo, English, Tongan and Samoan. Fakaaue Karen Belt, Amy Tofa and Viena Ripata for their mahi!

2017 Case Studies (for teachers) Nicole read it is good

Innovative Teachers 2020

1. Waikowhai School: Sarah Daly

Stagnant at Level 23 reading, especially ESOL students - using mini digital plays to focus on -  inferential, reorganisational, evaluative, reactionary

Set up questions using the different focus with Literal (L), Vocabulary (V),  - so chn know what the emphasis of the question is on

Audiobooks and Kahoots


2. Hornby Primary: Alethea Dejong

 - how to enable chn to listen to each other in an independent group

Talk Moves and Dimmock Maths 

Rubric developed of skills required for effective listening - used a form to use as a self-assessment


3. Redhill School - Tanya Mundy

How can we help students to be better writers?

Genuine context - real experiences - twist to make into narrative

You Tube, NZ School kits, Google Maps

Using different forms of writing- explicit teaching of how to grab the audience attention - examples of language features for students to draw up - using site to share examples


4. Point England - Kiriwai Tapuke

Building Self Management Skills - transition to secondary school

Managing Self - Taha Challenge to build their powers

Survey of year 8 students 

Used camp as a practice run for self management - drawing upon Year 9s and peers in Year 8s to add

content to a Google Site with videos and lists e.g gear lists, camp related information, information for parents also

(all info in one place)

Challenge for Year 9 teachers to develop something similar


5. Greymouth High School - Angela Seyb

Focus on Algebra 

Algebra needed for students to progress in high level classes

Developed a poster Algebra Big Ideas for year 9 students to refer to see what learning is required

Need to engage students

Tools used - DESMOS as a class tool, resource finder on NZmaths, real hooks proved to work and helped with

student engagement


6. Otaki School - Kerianna Sterling

Creating a resources to support Te Reo - A Waha

Online tool to improve oral language as a Maori medium resource  - activities, games, Karakia, Pepeha,

resources and instructions, slides of stories


6. Otaki School - Kerianna Sterling

Creating a resources to support Te Reo - A Waha

Online tool to improve oral language as a Maori medium resource  - activities, games, Karakia, Pepeha,

resources and instructions, slides of stories

7. Point England School - Sonali Carter

Developing self regulation skills - Year 2s

Used Google Form to gather information

Used consistent use of language - ENGAGE develops 4 self regulation areas  - used Google Site that

includes videos and games to be played 30 mins a day - improved self regulation skills

8. Tamaki Primary - Johanna Gormly

Implementing the ENGAGE programme in school - to develop self regulation and raise student a
chievement by developing a digital portal of games, explanation, activities, information about the ‘why’
of the programme